Her Excellency the Governor, Ms Rena Lalgie, has today announced the appointment of Mrs Na’imah Astwood to the substantive role of Deputy Commissioner of Police with the Bermuda Police Service with effect from 1 May 2023.
The position was advertised both locally and internationally and the appointment was made following an open recruitment process in line with best practice.
Governor Lalgie said: “There is no doubt that Mrs Astwood is the best candidate to serve as the Deputy Commissioner of Police. She has the experience and leadership qualities to address the challenges ahead.”
Mrs Astwood said: “I am grateful for having been appointed to the role of Deputy Commissioner of the Bermuda Police Service. Having begun my career with the BPS as a Police Cadet at the age of 17, I am excited and look forward to leading the men and women of our organisation as we continue to serve our community, making Bermuda Safer.”