Government Responds to Misinformation Regarding Bermuda Health Plan

The Government is deeply concerned about false claims being propagated within the community around the proposed healthcare reform.

Therefore, the Government would like to reiterate that under the Government’s proposal: 

  • The quality of healthcare will not change 
  • You will be able to keep or choose your own doctor 
  • Your core benefits will be expanded to include prescriptions, home care and office visits
  • Your copays will go down 
  • The new system will be a collaboration between the private and public sectors. The government will not be operating the new healthcare system on our own.

"We heard so many Bermudians in the community say that the cost of healthcare is simply too high and we listened," explained a Government Spokesperson. "The goal of reforming healthcare is to drive down the costs of healthcare for Bermuda’s families.

"As we believe in consultation, we would like to extend an invitation to the organizers behind Patients First to meet with the Minister of Health face to face to discuss their legitimate concerns and the misconceptions they have raised. We have just completed 16 weeks of consultation and will soon begin a period spanning at least half a year of working with Bermuda's health professionals to finalize The Bermuda Health Plan.  So, to be clear, the plan has not been finalized and we are certainly not seeking to rush this through." 

The Government encourages the public to learn the facts about the Bermuda Health Plan by visiting 

This short video provides a summary overview of the proposals: