MILK: a powerful documentary

MILK documentary

On August 21st at 6:30 PM at National Stadium, the Department of Health presents a documentary screening of MILK – Born Into This World, a film by Noemi Weis. Through an intimate and artistic lens, MILK brings a universal perspective on the politics, commercialization, and controversies surrounding birth and infant feeding over the canvas of stunningly beautiful visuals and poignant voices from around the globe. Inspiring, informative, provocative, and sensitive, MILK celebrates bringing a new life into this world with a strong call to action and reflection.

Minister of Health Kim Wilson stated, “August is National Breastfeeding Month, and this year’s theme is Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All. We are excited to include this powerful documentary in our event lineup and strongly encourage everyone with an interest in maternal and child health to attend.”

The documentary includes interviews with mothers, doctors, and advocates from around the world. It talks about the challenges women face globally, covering topics like infant mortality, formula marketing, and the business side of breastfeeding. The goal is to start conversations and raise awareness about maternal and child health.

If you're interested in maternal and child health, global health issues, or women's rights, this documentary might be particularly insightful. To ensure a place, attendees need to reserve online here.

For more information about the health benefits of breastfeeding and resources available to support breastfeeding mothers, please visit