The public is advised that Polling Station listings and general information can be accessed at gov.bm or voters can confirm their registration details at the following places:
- All Government post offices
- Parliamentary Registry – 3rd floor Craig Appin building, 8 Wesley Street, Hamilton
Persons can check the following places for the polling stations:
- Parliamentary Registry at 293-8683
- Newspapers
- By calling 295-5151
In order to cast a ballot, you must have a valid government issued photo ID:
- A driver’s license
- A passport
- A voter’s card
- A special person’s card
The polling stations will be open from 8:00 a.m. and will close at 8:00 p.m.
For this referendum the 36 constituencies will be broken into 12 Regions, each region containing 3 constituencies. Check the list below to see which Region your constituency would fall under.
Region 1
St. George’s North (1)
St. George’s West (2)
St. David’s (3)
Polling Station- Penno’s Wharf Cruise Ship Terminal
Region 2
St. George’s South (4)
Hamilton East (5)
Hamilton West (6)
Polling Station –Francis Patton Primary School
Region 3
Hamilton South (7)
Smith’s South (8)
Smith’s West (9)
Polling Station- Elliot Primary School
Region 4
Smith’s North (10)
Devonshire East (11)
Devonshire South Central (12)
Polling Station- Botanical Garden Horticultural
Region 5
Devonshire North Central (13)
Devonshire North West (14)
Pembroke East (15)
Polling Station –National Sports Centre Pavillion
Region 6
Pembroke East Central (16)
Pembroke Central (17)
Pembroke West Central (18)
Polling Station-West Pembroke Primary School
Region 7
Pembroke West (19)
Pembroke South West (20)
Pembroke South East (21)
Polling Station- Dellwood Middle School
Region 8
Paget East (22)
Paget West (23)
Warwick South East (24)
Polling Station- Bermuda College, Student Center
Region 9
Warwick North East (25)
Warwick South Central (26)
Warwick North Central (27)
Polling Station- Windreach
Region 10
Warwick West (28)
Southampton East (29)
Southampton East Central (30)
Polling Station-Heron Bay Primary School
Region 11
Southampton West Central (31)
Southampton West (32)
Sandys South (33)
Polling Station-- Somers Isles Lodge
Region 12
Sandys South Central (34)
Sandys North Central (35)
Sandys North (36)
Polling Station- Somerset Primary School