Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal

The Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal, established under the Employment Act 2000, has jurisdiction to hear and determine (including by way of arbitration) complaints, labour disputes, differences, conflicts and other matters referred to it under the Employment and Labour Code.

The Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal consists of no more than 30 persons who are barristers and attorneys, persons with experience or expertise to represent the interest of employers and persons with experience or expertise to represent the interest of employees.

The Employment and Labour Code of Bermuda

Employment Act 2000

Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 2021

Awards of the Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal

Once a matter has been heard by the Tribunal, the parties are notified by the Chairman of the judgment or award made by the Tribunal.

No later than 90 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the award is available online.

The following are the most recent awards made in the Tribunal.  Use our search tool to find previous awards made by the Tribunal since 1 June 2021.

What do they do?

The Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal has the following powers:

  • To hear and determine any matter referred to it in the absence of any party
  • Require any person to appear before the Tribunal and give evidence or produce documents
  • Exclude the public with the consent of the parties
  • Award compensation to an employee who cannot be re-instated or re-employed
  • Impose a civil penalty of up to $10,000 for breaches of the Employment and Labour Code

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