Project Number:
Open/Closing Date
Executive Summary:

The following documents are contained within this Tender Package:

  • Tender Guidelines
  • Heads of Terms
  • Tender Form
  • Tender Advertisement
  • Copy of Draft Lease (inc draft lease)
  • Non-Collusion Certificate

The terms upon which Government will enter into a Tenancy Agreement with the successful applicant are set out in the Heads Terms contained within this tender package.

For the avoidance of doubt, the successful applicant will be responsible for all site clearance and repair works necessary to the premises.

Applicants are asked to include any concessions that they seek within their business proposal as part of their submission.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully,

Claire Matthews BSc (Hons) MRICS

For Chief Surveyor

Related Documents:
Tender Guidelines (26.53 KB)
Heads of Terms (24.75 KB)
Tender Form (62.23 KB)