New York City

The Premier and Minister of Finance, the Hon. David Burt, JP. MP, lead a business development mission delegation to New York City during the period 1st - 3rd May, 2024, to attend the Alternate Investment Management Association's (AIMA) Digital Asset Conference.  


The Premier was joined by a Government representative, the CEO and representatives of the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA), and the Bermuda Business Development Agency (BDA). The goal of the Conference is to provide leadership to the alternative investment industry, and to engage proactively in shaping  global financial markets.  


The purpose of the mission was to promote Bermuda as a first-class jurisdiction for digital assets and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) funds.  It was also important to connect Bermuda's regulatory expertise and supportive infrastructure for blockchain technology with the vast pool of capital and asset managers in New York city.


The Bermuda delegation highlighted the island's commitment to digital asset investment, and ESG principles to attract sustainable and socially responsible funds seeking a well-regulated and innovative domicile. Meetings were also arranged with key stakeholders to discuss the regulatory framework that the BMA provides for ESG-compliant funds.


The Premier participated in a fireside chat at the AIMA Digital Asset Conference with John D'Agostino, Co-founder of the AIMA Digital Asset Work Group. The fireside chat, among other important discussion, focused on why Bermuda is the jurisdiction of choice for digital asset funds.


Following the Conference, the delegation returned to Bermuda on 3rd May, 2024. 



Air Travel
Ground Transportation
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