I have inherited from my predecessor Trevor Moniz, some very sensitive matters with ramifications for the integrity of the office of Attorney-General and the administration of justice as a whole. The nature of how these matters were being handled by the former Attorney-General is unprecedented and concerning as there are no litigation files within the Attorney-General’s Chambers with respect to these matters.
As a consequence of this highly irregular circumstance, as Attorney-General, I am currently in the process of obtaining these files in order to review the lawsuits that have been brought in the name of the Attorney-General against Lahey Clinic and with regard to Trustees of the Port Royal Golf Course. In particular, I have instructed counsel to obtain complete files from overseas counsel retained by the former Attorney-General regarding both matters. As of today, I am awaiting these files for review. I will subsequently advise the Government whether it ought to proceed with these matters, with the benefit of being fully briefed.
I wish to point out that prior to my appointment as Attorney-General, the primary person having conduct of these matters was the former Attorney-General Trevor Moniz, assisted by his political consultant Richard Ambrosio; a junior barrister. In his capacity as Attorney-General, Trevor Moniz appears to have provided instructions to overseas counsel to the exclusion of other counsel in the Attorney-General Chambers, including the Solicitor General.
At the conclusion of an objective assessment of these matters, a decision will be made in accordance with the Constitutional responsibilities of my office.
The process I have undertaken will enable me to decide the way forward accordingly.