September is National Recovery Month and the Department for National Drug Control (DNDC), the Ministry of Legal Affairs and treatment agencies across the island will hold several events to educate Bermuda about substance use, treatment and mental health services.
There are hundreds of Bermudians whose lives have been transformed through recovery. These success stories often go unnoticed by the broader population, Recovery Month is the time to celebrate these accomplishments.
During the month, DNDC will highlight the positive message that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover. Through the work of partner agencies and Government services people with a mental or substance use disorder can to live a healthy and rewarding life.
Minister of Legal Affairs, Senator, the Hon. Kathy Lynn Simmons, JP emphasized the need for community support. Minister Simmons said, “National Recovery Month is an international observance of the achievements of individuals who have reclaimed their lives in long-term recovery. This September we will also highlight treatment and recovery service providers who assist and support people with recovery.”
Minister Simmons added, “It is our desire to use this opportunity to raise awareness and reinforce the message that recovery in all of its forms is possible and encourage all citizens to take action to help expand and improve the availability of effective prevention, treatment, and recovery services for those in need. This month we would like the public to join us in celebrating those individuals and their families who are committed to living a healthy and drug free lifestyle.”
Recovery Month highlights
There are numerous activities planned for those in recovery and those professionals servicing this special population.
Sept. 11th – Right Living House – Open House
Sept. 13th – Nelson Bascome Center – Free Car Wash
Sept. 14th – FOCUS BBQ (Clearwater Beach)
Sept 18th – FOCUS – Open House
Sept. 19th - 20th – BACB to host workshop – “Prevention Advocacy”
Sept 23rd – Salvation Army – Recovery Walk
Sept. 25th – Pathways – Walk and Expo
Sept. 26th – DNDC Chat & Chew
Sept 28th – FOCUS Tag Day
The Department of National Drug Control would like to take this time to thank our treatment and recovery partners:
- Bermuda Addiction Certification Board (BACB)
- Bermuda Assessment and Referral (BARC)- Dept. of Court Services
- Drug Treatment Court
- Metal Health Court
- Mid-Atlantic Wellness Institute
- Bermuda Professional Counselling Services – DUI Programme
- FOCUS Counselling Services
- Life skills and Counselling – Dept. of Child and Family Services
- Nelson Bascome Substance Abuse Treatment Facility ( Men’s and Women’s Programmes)- Dept. for National Drug Control
- Pathways Bermuda
- Right Living House ( Dept. of Corrections)
- Salvation Army ( Harbor Light and Community Life Skills Programmes)
- Turning Point Substance Abuse Programme ( BHB)
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
The Department for National Drug Control
Suite 304, Melbourne House
11 Parliament Street
Hamilton HM 12