Interested in moving yourself, your family, or your business to the land of so much more?
Find everything you need to know about obtaining a visa to come to Bermuda, how to get a work permit in Bermuda, or the other important information about immigrating to Bermuda.
Lost and stolen application form (LS01) must be completed in addition to the passport application form.
Lost or stolen passports can be reported to the police.
Your countersignatory must:
(Pursuant to the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Amendment Act 2022 & the Bermuda Immigration and Protection A
Financial Services Tax is a tax charged on the following financial services providers with rates effective from April 1, 2019:
Our Labour Relations Section (“the Section”) oversees the certification and decertification of unions in the workplace, and manages labour disputes in both unionised and non-unionised environments.
On this page you will find the fees for the Department of Immigration's permits and services. Click on a link below to go directly to the information you are looking for.
(Pursuant to the Work Permit Policies (Section 5.0) as at 1st March 2015)
All jobs that are not categorised as closed, restricted or special are considered open category jobs.
Effective 11th August 2023
To work in Bermuda, you must be Bermudian, married to a Bermudian, or be a Permanent Resident’s Certificate (PRC) holder. If you are not you must have a valid work permit.
If an employer intends to continue to employ a work permit holder in the same job beyond the expiry date of the current work permit, they must apply for a new permit.
Employers applying for work permits must ensure that:
If you hire a worker who is not a Bermudian or married to one, or someone who is not a Permanent Resident’s Certificate (PRC) holder, they will need a work permit to work in Bermuda.
You can find out if you have Bermudian Status by searching the Bermudian Status Register or you can consult the Department of Immigration.