The Ministry of Public Works Presents the 84th Bermuda Annual Agricultural Exhibition

The Ministry of Public Works is excited to announce the 84th Bermuda Annual Agricultural Exhibition. This memorable event will take place over three days, from April 24th to April 26th, 2025, at the picturesque Botanical Gardens in Paget.
The Agricultural Exhibition, often referred to as “The Exhibition,” is a longstanding tradition that celebrates Bermuda's rich heritage in agriculture, horticulture, and community engagement. This family-friendly event features a wide range of activities and showcases, including:
- Competitions in livestock, horticulture, culinary arts, and craftwork;
- Live entertainment, including cultural performances and musical acts; and
- Interactive zones for children, providing hands-on learning opportunities about farming, gardening and sustainability.
As the governing body, the Ministry of Public Works, in collaboration with the Department of Parks, oversees this important event under its mandate to:
“Promote the study of agriculture; disseminate information regarding the techniques of agriculture and horticulture; and promote or hold agricultural exhibitions.”
The Annual Exhibition serves as a platform to educate the community about the significance of agriculture and its evolving role in today’s world. By fostering knowledge-sharing and hands-on experiences, it inspires both young and old to appreciate the value of sustainable practices, local produce, and the beauty of Bermuda’s natural environment.
We invite residents and visitors alike to mark their calendars for this vibrant celebration of culture, agriculture, and community spirit. More details, including a schedule of events and how to participate, will be available soon.
Join us for a memorable experience at the 84th Bermuda Annual Agricultural Exhibition, where tradition meets innovation in the heart of nature!
For more information or inquiries, please contact the Agricultural Exhibition Office.
The first Agricultural Exhibition was held in 1843 at Mount Langton, Pembroke. Governor Reid arranged the show to stimulate interest in local Agriculture. This same year, ploughing was first introduced to Bermuda. The farm horse class in the Annual Exhibition required horses to use the plough until 1992.
The Agricultural Exhibition did not become an annual event until 1955. Before this time, the show was held bi-annually and even cancelled in 1934.
The Agricultural Exhibition was first held in the Botanical Gardens in 1922, where it continues to be hosted to this day. Over the years, the Annual Exhibition has seen many changes, yet it continues to be one of the most important and widely anticipated events on Bermuda’s cultural calendar.
In the 21st century, the Bermuda Annual Exhibition is an icon of Bermuda tradition. This event has the mandate to provide an educational and fun environment to embrace its agricultural heritage by providing a venue for local residents to display livestock, fruits, vegetables, baked goods, woodcraft, floriculture and educational displays.
The Government of Bermuda succeeded Ag Show Ltd. in late January 2023, to manage the event, bringing the show under Government control for the first time in recent years.
Through the Department of Parks, the Ministry’s aim was to gradually bring the show back, and as such, last year’s event was not a full-scale exhibit.