Dr. the Hon. Ernest Peets JP Sworn-In as Minister of Youth Culture and Sports

Earlier today, during a ceremony at Government House Dr. Ernest Peets was Sworn-In as the Minister of Youth, Culture and Sports.

His Excellency, the Governor, John Rankin administered the oath of office.

Dr. Peets said, “This appointment is something for which I am very grateful. All of my skills, education and experience have culminated wonderfully for this particular ministry. I pledge to give the people of Bermuda 110 percent.”

Premier David Burt added, “Dr. Peets has a wide range of experience and he has been an outstanding member of the Bermuda community in a number of capacities. I have no doubt that he will excel in the role of Minister of Youth, Culture and Sport. He has a passion for youth issues and cultural issues in our community, and as a certified football coach he is familiar with our local sporting organisations. I look forward to working with him in this role.”

Under Minister Peets’ portfolio, he will be responsible for the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs and the Department of Youth, Sport and Recreation. He is  also charged with developing the National Youth Policy and the National Cultural Heritage Policy. 

Dr.  Peets said, “The Ministry will develop a Government policy to engage the innovative and progressive ideas of our young people. As stated in the 2020 Throne Speech, Bermuda’s future must be built by those to whom it most belongs - our young people. This has been an extraordinary year of youth mobilisation and activism. We will seek to engage our young people and harness their energy, creativity and passion about the causes that are most important to them, by developing a National Youth Policy that supports and empowers this most critical segment of our community.”

On Thursday, 5th November Dr. Peets was appointed as a Senator and Government Leader in the Senate. He has worked in a variety of human services environments, including Corrections, Probation & Parole, the Drug Treatment Court, and therapeutic communities, where he honed his addiction counseling and recovery skills. Dr. Peets is the Pastor of New Life Church of the Nazarene, a post he assumed in 1999.