Department of Parks Announces Public Consultation for New Event Lawn at Southlands Park

The Department of Parks wishes to advise the public of a proposed change of use for a portion of Southlands Park to accommodate an event lawn for the Bermudiana Beach Resort.
In accordance with section 4 of the Bermuda National Parks Act 1986, a Notice has been published in the Official Gazette and public comments are now invited.
The proposed event space will occupy approximately 10,750 square feet of the southeastern corner of Southlands Park on South Road in Warwick Parish. A two-week public consultation period, currently in place, will end on 9 May 2024 at 5 p.m.
Members of the public can find the change of use proposal and the comment form via the Department of Parks' web page at
Comment forms should be submitted to Alternatively, a copy of the proposal can be found in the Department of Parks' lobby along with comment forms, which can be submitted via the department's drop box.
The Department of Parks is located at 43 Church Street on the ground floor of the Global House building.